• Cinch Diet Update: Thank you, @cynthiasass! Lost 12 lbs. since July 6!

    I just realized that I haven't blogged awhile about my weight loss journey. I've been following a book called Cinch! written by Cynthia Sass. I started this plan on July 6th, and I am so happy to say that I have lost 12 lbs. so far! If you're not familiar with the book, the author suggests starting with a "Fast Forward" diet for 5 days, and then following it with food/recipes from her Core Plan. You can preview parts of the book on Amazon.com to see if it's something you might be interested in.

    Yes, it does work. Of course, there are a lot of diets that will work - one reason this plan worked for me is because I needed to see FAST results. And I did! The Fast Forward plan gave me the motivation I needed to continue with the plan and lose more weight. Also, I loved the food! The recipes in the Core Plan are really tasty - and I'm being honest! I can't go into detail about the recipes since the book is copyrighted, but a lot of it consists of Mediterranean-style food which I LOVE!

    I didn't even realize that I had technically finished the Core Plan last week; this book has made such a difference in my eating habits, it was a no-brainer to continue with it. It's all about a lifestyle change. I never really thought about what I was eating, or how much, but now I'm choosing foods that are good for me AND fill me up so I'm not tempted to snack. That doesn't mean I'm not going to indulge in an occasional hamburger and fries; the key is moderation, of course. Overall, I love the way that healthy foods make me feel, so I don't have the urge to eat fast food anymore. YAY!

    Oh, and even though it might cost you a little extra in groceries to follow this plan - it is worth every penny. I actually saved money because I didn't eat out for several weeks. Also, I decided to pick just a few of the recipes (easy ones!) and make them several times each week. That also helped keep the cost down. Of course, losing even 10 lbs. will help your long term health - which is priceless.


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