As I mentioned yesterday, I just started the Fast Forward! Diet part of Cynthia Sass' latest book "Cinch!". I am not sure if my scale is off, but it seems I am down 4 lbs. in one day! I know that sounds crazy, because it is, but I also did not consume any salt or processed sugar yesterday. I am sure most of it was water weight. But hey, I'll take it! The diet claims that you can lose up to 8 lbs. in 5 days with this diet, so it is possible. I would imagine that I'd probably lose maybe 1 lb. or so for each of the remaining days. We shall see!
At any rate, so far, I feel really, really good. I can't publish the details of this diet because of copyright laws, but you can preview portions of this book on if you're interested. I am hoping to lose at least 20 lbs. by the time this diet is over (30 days).
I didn't actually feel too hungry yesterday. I did drink 2 cups of green tea (which is OK with the diet), and that unfortunately did affect my sleep. I'm going to try and drink only one cup today to see if that helps.