Groupon is offering a deal where you can get $40 worth of merchandise for only $20 at participating Sports Authority stores.
I love Sports Authority - they have the best selection of running/dance/aerobic shoes! And if you still have some back to school shopping left to do....get this groupon and SAVE!!
FYI - it looks like this deal is only valid at Phoenix locations. I'll keep my eyes open for a national deal.
The Fine Print
- Expires Nov 19, 2011
- Limit 1 per person. Not valid until 9/1/11. Valid only at listed locations. Good for $20 paid-for value plus $20 discount-offer value. Discount-offer value valid through 11/19/11. Value is non-transferable. Must use full value in 1 visit; not valid for transactions under $40. No cash back. Not valid with SA associate discount or any other offer.