'Ohana Salon and Spa offers a wide range of services....signature facials, massages, body wraps and so much more! Mamas, get some girlfriends together and take a day (or even a half-day) to relax and rejuvenate now that school has started. You can relax even more knowing that you're saving 50%!
Fine Print
- Expires on March 2, 2012.
- Limit 1 per person. Valid for new clients only. Redeemable for any service offered at 'Ohana Salon and Spa; cannot be used towards the purchase of retail merchandise. Appointment required. 24-hour Cancellation Policy: JITC Deal Code will be void if an appointment is missed without canceling or rescheduling 24 hours in advance. Must mention JITC Deal Code printout to redeem. Excludes gratuity. Entire value must be redeemed in one visit. Cannot be combined with any other discounts, promotions or offers.
'Ohana Salon and Spa
(480) 945-27116870 East 5th Avenue
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Full Disclosure: I will receive compensation as a thank you for posting about the Juice in the City daily deals. The above statements and opinions are mine.