Moon Valley Nursery stocks an assortment of holiday trees and decorations primed to enliven festive households. The knowledgeable staff helps customers to find indoor and outdoor furnishings ranging from wreaths to lush evergreens. Standard-size Christmas trees ($24.99+) arrive from North American farms with a fresh scent oft imitated by their scaled-down, car-freshening cousins. The biodegradable cone bearers can also be recycled after the holidays, making them a suitable alternative to landfill-bound plastic trees. Miniature tabletop trees ($19.99) create a warming centerpiece for holiday dinners, and wreaths ($20+) provide a welcoming accent. In addition to growing greens, Moon Valley Nurseries supplies owners with care kits designed to help trees to become tall, wise, and stable enough to support a slingshot-proof fort.
Hurry...this deal is marked "limited quantity available", so I don't know how long it will last. Valid at 10 Moon Valley Nursery locations throughout the Phoenix metro area.
The Fine Print
- Expires Dec 22, 2011
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Limit 1 per visit. Not valid until 11/25/11. Valid only for location purchased. In-store only. Valid only for items within the Christmas lot. Not valid for the nursery. Not valid with other offers or Christmas postcard.
- See the rules that apply to all deals.