I just saw this great deal from
Groupon - there are already over 100,000 sold! Only
$10 for $20 worth of merchandise until Christmas Eve at Old Navy! With their great sales and clearance items, you can't beat this deal. You can get a LOT of merchandise for only $10.
The Fine Print
- Expires Jan 28, 2012
- Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 addt'l as a gift. Limit 1 Groupon per visit. Purchase of Groupon may take up to 24hrs to process. Valid from 12/22/11-1/28/12 at US Old Navy Stores only. Product restrictions apply. Not transferable. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. $20 minimum purchase required at Old Navy. Good for $20 of merchandise: $10 Paid For value (never expires) plus $10 Discount Offer value (expires 1/28/12). .