1. Make sure your insurance coverage is adequate. Did you recently buy a high-price item like a flat-screen TV or jewelry? Check with your insurance agent to make sure that you have proper coverage.
2. Take photos of valuable items inside of your house. Oh, and place them on a shared photo site (i.e. photobucket) in case of a devastating fire).
3. Double check to make sure your windows/doors are always locked.
4. Invest in a security door. They really aren't that expensive; Home Depot and Lowe's have security screen doors that start at a few hundred dollars. We recently got one, and I absolutely love it. It's so nice to be able to leave my front door open for a nice breeze, yet still be protected from any intruders.
5. Consider motion detectors. If you have an HOA, be sure to check with them first, as there may be strict rules regarding them.
6. Shop around for a home security system for complete piece of mind. These systems are not nearly as expensive as they used to be; for example, HomeSecurityFamily has packages that start as low as $35.99 per month.